Your First Transformation Begins January 1, 2025

The Only 5-month Program for Dedicated Christian Women ready to leave the old behind and step into something new

Inside The Academy:

  • WAKE UP EXCITED about your life, engaged with a purpose, plan, and tools that help you navigate emotions, decision-making, relationships, and anything life throws your way

  • A Massive Support Structure with accountability, coaching, road-maps, templates, checklists, and more so you can stop spinning in overwhelm and confusion about what to do next

  • A Community of Christian Women who are on the same path so you are never alone

You've read all the books, gone to Bible Studies, and maybe have even tried out counseling. You've gained some new insight ... but still ... your confidence level isn't matching your level of effort. You're ready for someone to walk alongside you, step by step.

My in-depth program includes group and one-on-one support to help you transform...




We will spend five months together diving into the exact steps needed to enjoy an authentic, fresh and purposeful life that does not depend on your circumstances


You'll have 24/7 access to courses and worksheets that will help you examine your mind, process your emotions, and create new results

Small Cohorts

You will be part of group of spirit-filled women who may even turn into your best friends



1:1 Sessions



You'll have daily access to coaching with Jill so that you will NEVER stay stuck or not know what to do

​You will have a framework to implement powerful transformations each month

​You will get 1:1 monthly coaching calls
​Weekly you can participate in LIVE group coaching calls that will change your life
​​Process your transformations each week on a LIVE Worksheet Workshop, building bonds with other Christian women as you apply what you are learning.

Are you ready to increase confidence in facing life and relationship problems, 

processing emotions, 

making decisions, 

having calm conversations 

and breaking strongholds? 

Do you want a pathway to engage more with the Lord and trust Him in all situations?


You love the Lord and delight in His Word and yet it seems you aren't abiding in peace and joy.

You have been caught up in all the "to dos" and expectations of others (*exhausting*), you feel there is never enough... and this just isn't what you had imagined.

You realize that it is time to make decisions, organize your mind and break strongholds in order to feel better and show up authentically in your life and relationships.


You feel focused, excited, and peaceful about your life and relationships...rather than bored, lost, lonely, and disconnected ​

You have a simple strategy and powerful plan to implement each month ... instead of living life in default mode

 ​You have a consistent and reliable tool- your problems become discovery points to engage with your heart and the Lord ...instead of constantly struggling to feel better​

 You are willing to feel anything so that you can quit resisting life as it comes at you ​

 You are set up to not only withstand - but thrive - in all circumstances


A program that will truly help you find authentic joy in the Lord 

*remember, this is your strength*

It's a heart, mind, and relationship restoration endeavor

A high-touch mentorship with results-driven accountability

Personalized coaching and support through application
and a community of dedicated Christian Women.

You are SOOoooOOO done horsing around. Transforming requires commitment and a willing heart, and you not only know that ... but you're ready to let go and press into God's grace and goodness without throwing in the towel. ​

You know that how far you've come already IS NOT the final destination, and you are beyond ready to step into your identity and claim your calling and God's presence and power. ​

You realize that creating real change requires an environment that guides your growth and focus ...  including not only a strong mentor but a group of committed peers. ​

You are in this for the long-haul ... there are no more questions about whether or not your life matters. You are no longer looking for someone to convince you that you have a worthwhile part in the greater whole. ​
NOTE: If you are struggling with clinical depression or other diagnosed mood disorders, this program is not a substitute for therapy as it is not diagnostic in nature, nor does it offer clinical treatment for mental health disorders.


Each month,  a new transformation unlocks with steps for you to follow so that you can learn, apply, and grow ... no matter where you are

We will lean on Jesus and God's grace ... because unless the Lord builds a house, those who build it labor in vain
We will master the skills required to experience our actual life ... rather than wasting time focusing on how we think life should be
  We will constrain and focus to get traction and better results ... because confusion and overwhelm are the root of spinning your wheels and getting nowhere.
  We will develop a strategic and long-term approach to problems and pain that will serve us and others over and over ... withstanding the test of time



Get Organized from the Inside Out. Unlocks January 1: We will launch The Academy with something very tangible. You will organize new spaces in your home each week while learning to manage your mind. ​ 

Leverage Your Emotions. Unlocks February 1. : You will identify 4 specific emotions in your life that you want to create more of and 4 specific emotions that you want to experience less. I will show you how I process emotions and why all emotions can be part of a balanced life. 


Make Powerful Decisions. Unlocks March 1. : Making decisions is one of the most empowering things you can do. This month you will identify something you need to decide about, apply my tools to make the decision, and then have your own back. ​ 

Create Calm Conversations. Unlocks April 1: This month, you will learn how to disagree, apologize, speak the truth in love, and share authentically. You will pick one conversation you have wanted to have and practice these skills. ​

Break Strongholds. Unlocks May 1: For our last month, you will identify something with a stronghold in your life and what it looks like to release it. A stronghold is anything you spend too much time thinking about, creating a net negative consequence for you. When you apply my steps, you will reroute your energy in this area.


The Academy mentorship program provides a comprehensive mind, emotions, and results-driven opportunity for Christian women to transform how they approach their lives.  You're not just getting Jill ... you're getting Coach Stephanie and a whole community...










BONUS #1: Unlock Mastering The Heart Scan - Instant and lifetime access to an exclusive bonus course: “Mastering The Heart Scan." This powerful tool will give you full access to comprehensive written lessons, engaging videos, useful templates, a feelings list, a course workbook comprising 30 days of Heart Scans, and video replays of live coaching sessions. Valued at $1200. 

 BONUS #2: The Happiest Lives Spiral  Bound 2-Month Journal  - A Journey to Deeper Connection- Receive a beautifully crafted journal spanning two months, designed to help you establish a daily practice of managing your mind and heart, thus empowering you to lead a more mindful life and cultivate stronger relationships. The journal includes 60 Thought Capturing Pages, 60 Heart Scan Pages, 60 Scripture Prayer Pages, 60 Idea & Dream Download Pages, and 60 Quick Day Planning Pages. $40 value.

 BONUS #3: Complimentary Admission and Lodging at The Happiest Lives Weekend 2025- Join us for an unforgettable experience at The Happiest Lives Weekend in the fall of 2025, where you get to hug the necks of all your cohorts and meet VIP Academy alumni. Enjoy free admission and lodging at this intimate event (travel and food not included). Valued at $900. 

 BONUS #4:  Stunning Print from Story Designs: Captivate your space with the timeless beauty of an 8x10 art print featuring the inspiring verses of Isaiah 43:18-19. Created with passion and precision by Story Designs, this masterpiece will breathe new life into your surroundings and uplift your soul. 

BONUS #5:  Lifetime access to The Happiest Lives Academy Curriculum: Benefit from unlimited access to all course materials, including in-depth lessons, interactive exercises, and exclusive content. Whether you’re revisiting concepts or exploring new updates, this bonus ensures that you have ongoing support to continually grow and thrive


-Julie Nemitz, California

Besides becoming a Christian, the Academy has been the most transforming experience of my life.

I now know how to question the source of my feelings instead of just letting them boss me around. I have always been very good at naming and describing my feelings about circumstances, but I've never confronted the Biblical idea that those feelings come from THOUGHTS. 

 I have learned how to organize a physical space without becoming overwhelmed (my old M.O.) and how to create a calm conversation (regardless of my conversation partner). I can do this because of my deeper and truer understanding of Jesus, plus my willingness to accept responsibility for myself and my thoughts/actions. 

 I am free from many strongholds that I've been in bondage to my whole life (shame, perfectionism, depression, legalism, neediness, anger, gossip, judgment). I have become (and am becoming) a beloved, beautiful, powerful daughter of the King. 

 This was a big financial commitment. As such, I valued the Academy even more. It was a scary commitment in some ways (especially because I hadn't yet gone through Transformation 4 and didn't know how to have my own back!), but I can truly say it is the best money I have ever spent in my life.

-Teri Curp, Missouri

During the Heart Scan Workshop, I felt a strong pull to join the Academy, and I am so glad I did. It is hard to put into words what is happening inside of me. I’m feeling more peace, grace, and a bigger desire to release things that have been holding onto me, such as bitterness, resentment, disappointment, and unforgiveness. 

I’m setting boundaries and feeling good about them. Best of all, I have a strategy to use when I don’t know how to handle my feelings - The Heart Scan. It is a powerful process, and while it is simple, it is not easy. I’m seeing the Lord show up on the pages as I write. Previously, I relied on reading endless books to figure out how to fix myself and others. Even after reading many good books, I was still stuck. 

As I have worked through the Heart Scans in the Academy and have talked through some of them on the calls, I have uncovered some broken records in my mind. Those are the thoughts that I need to keep working through. I still have much to do, but I can’t unlearn the concept that my thoughts direct my life. I know now that I always have a choice to make. My circumstances will not always be positive, and that is life. I want to trust that God is working and rest in him rather than try to figure out how to change things by my own will. 

 I have learned to challenge my thoughts and admit that my heart is, in fact, deceptive. As I learn to take my thoughts captive, I see more and more in scripture that speaks to this, and I know the Spirit is working in me to change me. The more I practice this, the more peace I feel. I can accept others more for who they are and accept myself as well. I’m gaining strength in giving and receiving grace and more confidence in myself as a person and loved child of God. 

 All of the components in the Academy work together like a finely tuned recipe. In Slack, there is always so much love and encouragement available in the Community! It is so good to know someone is always ‘there’ to help give direction or a timely word. I liked the written lessons and worksheets, as they allowed me to process the content. They became so much more powerful when we applied them to real issues on the calls. 

 Regardless of the topic or who was sharing, I could always apply the coaching to my circumstances. Jill and Stephanie are very good at what they do. They have gifts of compassion and discernment and are Spirit-filled women. I’m very thankful to have had their influence in my life.

-Karen Brandt, Iowa

I joined the Academy because I was discouraged and depressed. I was struggling in my marriage. I was stuck in a cycle of negative thinking, and I didn't know how to get myself out of it. I tried traditional counseling, but was still spinning. 

Then, by God's hand, Jill's Happy Marriage Mindset appeared in my Facebook feed. From there, I joined Clarity and Courage. I was so thankful for Jill's Biblically based methods, and I felt God telling me the Academy was His answer to my struggle. 


I actually feel happy again. I am more calm. I do feel more grounded. The heart scan has given me a tool to untangle and CHANGE my thoughts. I have become more open and more confident. I am becoming more comfortable with intimacy in my marriage and more willing, able, and open to talking with my husband. The mood of our marriage has transformed from closed and hopeless to happy and open. 

 I will always see that my life is full of choices now. Life isn't just happening TO me anymore; I'm not just stuck with whatever is happening. I have a choice in what I do with my circumstances. I will always ask myself "How do I want to show up in this situation?" " What result do I want here? " 

 There is so much more; I'm finding it hard to put into words. I won't be the same. 

I look at things differently.I have become a person who is more aware of my thoughts and feelings and knows how to process them. I have become a woman who is more confident and comfortable in my own skin. I am better equipped to make decisions and actually process how I'm feeling, moving forward rather than staying stuck. 

-Laura Rott, Idaho

I was very much struggling in my marriage and we were moving more and more toward an impasse. Contempt was setting in and I new I needed something Christ-centered to help me work on my part of the equation. 


In The Happiest Lives Academy, my eyes have been very open to what I can and cannot control, that my thoughts play a MAJOR role in how I show up and the result I will get in my relationship(s). God' Word is full of power thoughts and truth, and I have begun to transform my mind to His mind and it is making a huge difference. I will never go back to the thinking that something is wrong and that I am responsible to fix things outside of me. 

I am on an important journey, and God wants me to turn toward Him in every step and trust His ways and His truth. When things aren't perfect, which they never really are, it's as it should be and a part of His plan. My thoughts will never be the same about my life and marriage.I have become more confident, free, secure, assured as a daughter of the King. 

 When circumstances arose, it was so helpful to reach out on the online community and share what I was going through, share a heart scan, where my thoughts and emotions were stuck, and to have love and support with some prodding to move forward and not stay down. 

 What I love about live calls is how much I learn from all the other women, their stories and their struggles. Nearly every time, I can apply it something that has been a stronghold, or an area where I can relate and try to tools to help me in it. There is a real community in the Academy that goes deep and establishes and beautiful trust and family....they are like sisters to me! 

 The lessons and worksheets make you think. It's awesome when you go back and read through, realizing how much you are learning and growing in those 5 months. We could volunteer to be coached on the calls and there were so many opportunities to do this. It really helps a lot! It is a vulnerable but beautiful thing, both through participation and by listening and learning.

-Tara Graham, Georgia

The knowledge and wisdom that Jill and Stephanie shared with us in THL constantly led us to God's Word, His Truth. They never took credit for themselves except to be the women God has called them to be. 

 I will always remember the closeness I felt to other women in our class as they poured out from humility, vulnerability, honesty, and their struggles in life. I will remember the safe place I found in The Academy. I will remember the amazement of beauty and wisdom I witnessed in Jill's teaching. I didn't always realize it was happening or its depth, but it kept registering as I reread the words she said during our time together. 

 In the Happiest Life Academy, the support that we received has been constant and thorough. We have received the affirmation of Jill and her loving desire to know and help us. It is sincere and drawing! Jill and Stephanie always point to God's Word and His Truth in teaching. 
The help we receive from the Zoom calls in conversation, nothing is rehearsed; come as you are, hear, listen, and share with one another. Our Slack communication has been a source of constant availability to one another and inspiration and news. We are free to express what has happened in our lives and relationships. Through our Slack group, we had accessibility to Jill and Stephanie continually. The teaching through short videos and written lessons is stocked full of diamonds and riches for life. Love them! Our HLA workbooks are the place where we can write down where we are, answer questions honestly and openly, and apply it to our situation. We could schedule monthly calls with Stephanie to coach and implement truths, ideas, and encouragement. We always had an open-door availability to Jill and Stephanie through HLA.

-Lois Grandmaison, Texas

I had been sharing with a friend about a very challenging time in my life on all levels: emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. She had been part of The Academy a few years before and gave me some of the ways she had been really impacted by God’s Word, the consistent community of women, and the coaching support. I was curious and desperate for what it could really look like to surrender this unwanted season to God and to actively take my thoughts captive to Christ.

 I decided to get a peek into what the Academy work would be like by joining the Clarity and Courage Class and also the week intensive on the Heart Scan Process. Since I was on a steady decline, I was going to give it a go and see what happened. I found myself getting so much out of the group processing and the power of a community devoted to His Word and one another towards His presence and holiness. 

The coaches walked that line of speaking the truth with love as they were honest in what they could see that hindered growth and offered support and new paths of what renewal could look like. I began to see that there were many levels offered in the Happiest Lives Academy to learn and do this work at a personal pace that was doable and effective for all sorts of temperaments. 

 I think the biggest transformations for me in the Academy have to do with my thoughts on decision-making and my emotions. I was doing all I could to either to not feel or swinging the total opposite direction and allowing my emotions to push me over to intense anger or rage outbursts. The result was misery for me and those around me. 

 The coaching in the Academy helped me give space to uncover my anger and see the grief underneath that was driving it. Instead, a decision could be made to allow that emotion of sadness to come up in a space that was not rushed or reactive, and it was there I could see the Lord’s presence and hear His counsel over my fears--  even face my part in it that was sinful and self-seeking. 

The result has been security in knowing the Lord is with me and trusting His ways over my ways to shepherd me through future moments of uncomfortable emotions. I love the phrase in the coaching with the Academy: "Brain, we are not going to think that way anymore!” An example for me is that for so long, I had held an expectation that my family match my standards and meet needs that I have that are not meant for them to satisfy. It created a pattern of me building resentments and putting up walls between us. 

 Throughout the Academy, I kept returning to a new phrase, “I am letting my family off the hook to meet my needs. The Lord is my sustainer and my helper; in His presence is fullness of joy.” With that thought, my feelings often changed from frustration and resentment to being open and curious both with my family and the Lord. This then brings peace because I am willing now to receive from His faithfulness that I know is secure by the cross of Christ, rather than letting my circumstances or what others are doing define me. This has reduced feelings of guilt, shame, and people-pleasing. 

My emotions are not who I am, nor give me my identity. No matter my emotional frame of mind, the Lord offers grace through Christ, and I can learn to extend that to myself and others. I was so thankful for each part of the Academy work because it was a mixture of opportunities to engage with the Lord, His Word, and in a community of like-minded women seeking the Lord as we all processed life. 

The biggest thing for me was that all these levels created an accountability that I really needed. I want to say prayer, being in the Word, confession, and fellowship with believers is easy. But it is easier to let life lead each day with its demands and deadlines, resulting in reacting to life instead of receiving from Him the grace needed for each day. 

 During the week, we had these layers of touch points from personal worksheet work, live calls to help you process and get in the moment coaching, and daily opportunities to stay connected via a text app that was such a peace of mind. If something came up, you did not have to wait until the next call to share or get input. Also, doing this work with other women in a group setting gives security in that you are not alone in all the emotions and thoughts you may have, and it is such an encouragement to cheer others on or be given support from others on the same journey. 

 What a gift to have the coaches available either on the live calls or in the text app because sometimes you need to get a new angle to look at something, and it is just really hard to get there on your own. I really felt free to bring up some very honest or hard places and that it would be met with grace, support, and truth from the coaches who helped move me forward in the healing and transforming process.

-Sharon Martino, New York

I felt I was dying on the vine spiritually & emotionally. I had felt for many months/years that I was not connecting with God, my husband & my life. I was sad & unhappy most of the time. I moved through my church, my life on auto-pilot. I had trouble making decisions, doing daily devotions & engaging in conflict. I called out to God that I needed something, but I didn't know what. I had discerned that the problem was in my head somehow. My husband was not going to change, I was stuck in "quiet desperation." God's Word had become stale to me. Waiting. Wanting. Unfulfilled. Hopeless. 

In The Academy, I have learned to live an intentional life; a life where I choose what to think. My feelings are fed by my thoughts, which dictate my actions and determine my results. This is the missing link of my Christian walk. God not only heard me, but provided practical tools through this program that I can use anytime. 

 The Heart Scan was the practical tool that helped me learn to have new thoughts. When my husband, Jonathan, & I had an argument, I would feel hurt & rejected. This led me to feelings of hopelessness and despair that nothing was going to change. When I did the Heart Scan, I paused, shifted my thoughts, and asked the Lord to come into that space with me. 

 My first new thought was that “Jesus said He would never leave me or forsake me.” So, I wasn't alone; I was not abandoned. Then, several scripture thoughts followed. “I came that you, Sharon, would have life and life more abundantly.” I could come to Him as I was weary, and He would give me rest. 

I went to Jonathan & asked him to forgive me as I was impatient with him and had raised my voice to get his attention. I was wrong. He said nothing at first, but after about an hour, he did reply. Jonathan said I was right that he didn't always listen to me or validate my feelings. He asked me to forgive him and said that he wanted to do better. I was God-smacked!  I have a very different outlook today; things are better between my husband and I.

I attained more peace than I ever thought possible. I can truly say, "This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." I will forever realize the power of my thoughts & the connection to my feelings. I have choices to believe more helpful things. I also see how very much God loves me. I had let that truth become dim. This has been the most powerful part of the program, really. I have become more peaceful, more hopeful & more loving to my husband. I forgive quicker.  

 This program is put together well. The coaches were just a text away. The worksheets helped to keep me focused during the week, Slack kept me in the community plus gave me the availability to Jill & Stephanie. The live calls were the best. I could learn from whatever burden was on another woman's heart. I found out I am more alike than different.

-Jenn Lesak, Texas

During these five months, God has walked with me through past pain, bringing healing to hurts that I thought would always be a backdrop to my story. In doing so, He has brought healing to some of my most important relationships. The best part is that God has brought JOY and HOPE back to my heart and life. How I view myself will never be the same. 

 I keep becoming more and more the wife, mom, daughter, sister, and friend I want to be. I keep choosing to be that girl who is proud of how she shows up in her relationships. 

 The weekly coaching during the Academy was life-changing. Slack gave me daily access to Jill and her wisdom, plus a group of women that is so supportive and encouraging. The worksheets kept me on track with the coursework, but the relationships within the group kept me going. 

 Jill makes herself available often after hours. Stephanie making herself available through one-on-one coaching is helpful when you need to work through a particular decision or action. Getting feedback from her during a session helped me move forward on some things I was stuck on. For me, Jill and Stephanie’s availability is what makes the Academy so valuable. ”

-Andrea MacDiarmid

I joined The Academy because I had been unhappy for a long time and when I saw an ad on Facebook promoting a Christian based program with other women learning how to be happy I was ALL IN! I spent time reviewing the website, watched the testimonies of past graduates and contacted Jill for a private one on one session. 

After a few sessions, Jill invited me to the heart scan workshop, so I attended. After spending time with Jill and participating in the heart scan workshop, I knew the program was an answer to prayer. Thankfully, my husband was supportive and gave me the membership to the Happiest Lives Academy for my Christmas present and it was the BEST present I could have ever received!!! 

 Over the past 5 months I have learned a whole new way to process my thoughts, circumstances and emotions that has transformed me to be a more positive and happy person versus the past of being down and negative most days. I've learned how to communicate more effectively, make difficult decisions and identify and break strongholds that were stealing my joy. 

 The tools, coaching and group sessions with the other ladies have been so powerful in this program and have helped me grow closer to Christ and dig deep and do ALOT of introspective thinking and learning more about myself and my weakness, strongholds and negative thinking patterns. My relationship with Christ has grown so deep and rich and I love using the power of His word to help me think in a more positive and uplifting way that has helped mold and shape me to be a better spouse, friend, and neighbor in my community and church. 

 The changes and growth that I have been so blessed to experience has helped me get to a place where I feel I won't ever go back to being so down and negative again. I have learned and know how to practice using the tools, like the heart scan, to help me daily process my thought and emotions and combined with my relationship with Christ I feel armed and ready for the daily battles of life. I feel I went from negative Nancy to positive Polly!!! Ha! Ha! 

I know there will always be ups and downs and the things that used to bog me down will still rear their ugly heads, BUT I know how to tackle those with my POWER thoughts and tools I've learned in the Academy and I hope to continue to grow daily as the Lord sanctifies me and through the process be a better wife, mom, friend and neighbor. 

 The support you receive in the Academy in incredible!!! The coaching calls and workshops are when we get to work on and practice what we are learning and is when we get to know each other and develop new friendships with other Christian women which is so so SPECIAL!!! 

 Jill and Stephanie are so supportive and the Slack communication tool is so fun to keep in touch with everyone and lift up and support each other with positive and uplifting quotes, songs and photos. All of these things are all parts that make up the WHOLE of the program that is PRICELESS!!! Jill and Stephanie are always available and I remember one particular time I was needing some input from Jill and she went above and beyond reaching out to me when I needed help and I am forever grateful!!

-Michelle Romach, New York

One of the biggest transformations for me is being able to organize my thoughts, to really realize that circumstances are not what make a situation good or bad, but the thought I assign to that circumstance is what makes it good or bad. 

 Perfection and the need to control people/situations are not totally gone but happen much less frequently. In the past, I think I have looked at other people as being “the problem “. I am now able to look at others through the eyes of love because I have a deeper understanding of God’s love for me. 

 I am becoming more like the person I’ve always wanted to be - a happier wife and mother. I am able to listen without having an agenda. I am turning toward my husband and making bids for connection instead of turning away, thinking poorly of, or criticizing him. I am truly understanding that I am God’s beloved. 

 I cannot imagine that any of these transformations would have been possible without having been part of The Academy. Every aspect of the experience was valuable. 

 The community, support, and camaraderie have made it easier to do the work, knowing that I’ve not been “alone” but that others share the same thoughts/struggles. 

 It feels like Jill and Stephanie have been available 24/7. I have not felt an urgent need for help, but whenever I sent a direct message to one of them, they answered quickly. So appreciated! 

 The price was worth every penny.

-Teresa Spencer, Colorado

This Academy community has made me feel like I've gained the sisters and friends I never had. The love, support, and personal experiences we've shared remind us that we're never alone, and someone is always there for us, living in us, praying for us (in addition to the Almighty himself). This sisterhood of knowledge and support has been truly amazing! 

 Access to coaching and availability has been nothing short of impressive!! I took advantage of opportunities to be coached during the live calls, schedule one-on-one monthly sessions outside the calls, and participated in the Worksheet Workshops. 

The amount of access has been fantastic, contributing to my growth throughout the Academy. The Academy has been a wonderful path of progress and opportunity for growth; increased joy, and I've made some lifelong friends along the way!!

-Kristie Kempker, Missouri

I will never be the same! I have learned so much- a crazy amount!! It is hard to wrap my mind around it all! I have learned how to process my emotions and tend to my thoughts and feelings. 

 The method taught in the Academy allows you to apply God's Word to your life in practical, concrete, and life-changing ways. I have learned to look at what I am telling myself, compare it to God's word, and prayerfully consider what God wants me to do in every facet of my life. 

 There are multiple ways to get personalized help. This process allows a constant flow of learning. Slack (online community) and Jill are invaluable to transforming my life. Being able to ask Jill anything helped me work through places I was stuck, and I got stuck often! Slack conversations allowed me to “shop for new thoughts” from other ladies. Usually, within a few hours, I could get some input and work through the rough places. 

 I was so convinced of the value and opportunity to learn what God wanted me to learn that I was laser-focused and “all in.”I  am on my way to becoming a whole person again, grounded and connected to Christ.

-Robbie Raines, Guatemala

I have learned that my feelings won’t kill me; rather they are a bridge to my Creator. I feel solid, not blown around, not begging God for a different husband, life, kids, feelings, etc.; it’s priceless. Truly. 

 I was nervous about opening up to 12 other women. I felt safe right away with Jill but hesitant in the SLACK group. But this was quickly overcome as my friends (now & forever ) started to share. What power, what grace, what authenticity emerged. And sometimes we were only sharing about our unorganized cupboards, but I get tears in my eyes when I think about their support, their sharing. Sometimes someone would share, and it was not something even on my radar, and I would immediately relate, and God’s like, “Let’s look at this for a bit.” 

 I would often write in the group at night or when I was afraid, and I always...100% of the time got a response or a nudge or a hug the next day. Often when I woke up, I’d have a response waiting for me in SLACK. I think all of us commented at one time or another that Jill’s responses to us were read, absorbed, and appreciated by the whole group. 

 It’s not just fluff, and it’s not just to help you get your own way or who is to blame, like some counseling. It was never that. It was true support. It created DIGNITY, and I feel not only more solid but more beautiful. And more loved and treasured by God as these ladies and Jill and Stephanie poured out their love and offered new thoughts into my life and situations. What a GIFT!"

-Tara Hoskins, Missouri

I needed better ways to respond to the challenges and the people in my life. Because of my work in The Academy, I now have tools that help me stay present and work through things without stuffing them or ignoring them.I have become more of myself, willing to be real and show up as me! 

 There were so many avenues of support in the Academy. I enjoyed the encouragement and wisdom shared in the Slack Community and our live calls. The worksheets were a tangible way to process my thoughts, feelings, and actions to get the results I wanted instead of what I didn’t want. 

 I am so thankful for the accessibility of the coaches.I could ask questions and get answers promptly. They would give guidance on how to look at or think about something differently. It was very beneficial. 

 Past programs had not worked for me, so I paid money, and nothing changed. With my Fibromyalgia, I have paid a lot of money for treatments, supplements, and prescriptions with no results, so it is hard to spend money knowing it might not work. I’m happy I leaped at this!”

Payment Options:

One-Time Payment


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Three Payments of


$7,440 value!

Six Payments of


$7,440 value!

Program Runs January-May.

When you join, you will have immediate access to The Heart Scan: Everything You Need To Know To Master The HS Process.

Here are some questions we get a lot: 

  • My faith is important to me. I am curious as to what you believe?
    Jill is a preferred counselor of The Focus On The Family and is in agreement with their statement of faith. https://www.focusonthefamily.com/about/foundational-values/
  • What kind of access will I get to Jill as a member of The Academy?
    All members of the academy will get access to Jill daily in SLACK. There you can get Heart Scan coaching and ask her anything. You will also get weekly group coaching calls with Jill plus have access to Coach Stephanie who facilitates The Worksheet Workshop and 1:1 coaching. We promise that you will get the support you need.
  • What kind of payments do you accept?
    We do offer discounts for payment in full; otherwise, a payment plan is available. Payment can be made via credit card or PayPal. If finances are an issue, but you are committed to doing this work, please reach out about a partial scholarship. We don't want finances to be the reason you don't join us. We also believe that investing in something makes you more committed to showing up and doing the work. Our graduates have said the program was worth every penny.
  • What platform is used for coaching?
    We use Zoom app for all coaching calls. You can also get written coaching on The Heart Scan channel inside Slack.
  • What is SLACK?
    SLACK organizes conversations and interactions on a private forum, bringing people together to work as one unified team. This is the place where you will connect with other women in The Happiest Lives Academy, receive news/updates, get Heart Scan feedback/coaching, and share inspirational resources, scriptures, and thoughts.
  • Where will I find the tools needed for my new transformation each month?
    You can access all content at www.myhappyvault.com. Each month everything you need for the new transformation will unlock. If you live in the United States you will receive a workbook in the mail at your house.
  • When will LIVE calls be? What if I cannot attend?
    The Coaching Call is scheduled to occur on Tuesdays at 10 AM CT. The Worksheet Workshop will be on Thursdays at 10 AM CT. While we don't anticipate it, these times are subject to change. If you cannot attend calls live, replays will always be available in the vault.
  • How much time do I need to invest?
    The program offers 120 minutes of LIVE calls each week. You can expect to spend 1 -3 hours on weekly assignments/worksheets/lessons depending on how deep you want to go and what the transformation involves. I recommend spending 20 minutes a day on Heart Scans. You get to decide how much you want to participate in SLACK conversations and Heart Scan coaching, which is available 24/7.
  • What is your refund or cancellation policy?
    We do not offer refunds or cancellations. We will be fully dedicated and committed to you, and we ask that you be fully dedicated and committed to the program for the full duration of 5 months. We know our system and strategy work if you work it. And the level of support is second to none!
  • When does The Happiest Lives Academy start and end?
    The program in five months and runs from January to May.
Where will your life be a year from now?  

Will you be stuck in the same place (and a year older)?

OR will you have built a solid foundation and strategy to face circumstances, relationships, emotions, and life problems day after day?

You get to decide--just like your reason's why. 

Embark on 5-transformations with all the support you need, or keep trying to figure it out yourself.

We have got you covered if you want accountability, structure, a strong mentor, and a community of other Christian women to walk with you!
P.S. I hope you know how much I believe this process can work for you!

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    One Payment - $3750 (SAVE 10%)$3750.00
  • Preferred option
    Three Total Payments- $1400 Each3x $1400.00
  • Preferred option
    Six Total Payments- $700 Each6x $700.00
  • Total payment
  • 1xThe Happiest Lives Academy$0

All prices in USD

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Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!
